Dhamma Pubbanada Annual Trust meeting is happening on Oct 22, 2022.
You can learn how the Meditation Center operates, meet fellow meditators in small group sittings, and hear from our Area Teachers.
For a schedule, please click here. If you are attending in person, register here. If you are planning to attend virtually, please find details as per below.

Virtual Meeting Details
To join virtually, please use this Zoom Meeting link:
Meeting ID: 869 0275 5986
Passcode: 879566
One tap mobile:
+19292056099,,86902755986#,,,,*879566# US (New York)
+13017158592,,86902755986#,,,,*879566# US (Washington DC)
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kcaWsECkEL
However, all you should need is this link to join zoom call.